Birthday Offering Update #3

The Birthday Offering of Presbyterian Women celebrates our history of generous giving. Launched in 1922, the Birthday Offering has become an annual tradition. It has funded over 200 major mission projects that continue to impact people in the United States and around the world. While projects and donation amounts have changed over the years, Presbyterian Women’s commitment to improving the lives of women and children has not changed.

The second project for 2023 is Berhane Yesus Elementary School Kindergarten Construction in Dembi Dollo, Ethiopia. Located in the western highlands of Ethiopia, Berhane Yesus Elementary School seeks to change lives by sharing the “Light of Jesus” and by providing the best possible educational experience for children of Dembi Dollo. Berhane Yesus provides children the possibility of a better future by preparing them for the rigorous high school education and a life of Christian service.  

The school is the first entry point to education for children of subsistence farmers, migrant workers and displaced groups of people. This K-8 school has been serving the community and been a part of the Presbyterian Church in this rural community since 1921. A kindergarten class was added to the school in 2012, but with no available space for class, the children met in the chapel. Over the years the number of kindergarten students has increased and now a space of their own is not only needed but required by the government to be able to remain open. Western Wollega Bethel Synod provide land for the classroom and the Birthday Offering grant will provide all necessary funding for construction.

Your continued support will allow PW to fund next year’s projects. You can give online, deposit checks in the offering boxes, or mail checks to the church notated “PW Birthday Offering.” Together let us lovingly plant and tend seeds of promise so that programs and ministries can grow and flourish.