February is Blanket Offering Month
January 29, 2025
The Blanket Offering is collected in February. We are so blessed to live in warm comfortable homes with access to convenient hygiene. Think about people displaced from their homes due to a natural disaster or homelessness. Great comfort can be provided by the simple objects of a blanket and a hygiene kit. Church World Service provides these to shelters and emergency centers.
This winter, central and southern Ohio experienced record-breaking cold and widespread power outages. Many people found themselves seeking refuge in local warming centers. CWS provided blankets and hygiene kits for these shelters to hand out to their guests. Bethlehem on Broad Street, an ecumenical Christmas Day event in Columbus, Ohio, was so thankful for the supplies they were able to hand out.
- A $10 donation provides a blanket to someone in need
- A $25 donation provides both a blanket and a hygiene kit, offering warmth and essential supplies
- A $60 donation funds a family bundle, providing blankets and hygiene kits for an entire family, ensuring they have what they need in challenging times.
Imagine the impact of your compassion for someone experiencing a dire need, and give generously to the Blanket Offering. Click here to give online, or give cash or checks (to Derry Church, notated Blanket Offering) using envelopes in the pew rack and placed in an offering box or returned to the church office.