March 2022 session highlights

  • The Treasurer reported that contributions are ahead of budget expectations with spending in line with this time last year. Also reported was that our campaign for Ukraine relief has raised more than $31,500. With the addition of the $25,000 in matching funds, more than $56,500 has been donated.
  • The session reviewed area hospitalizations and Covid positivity and incident rates. In light of the downward trend in all areas and that our community is in a low rate category, the Session voted to make face masks optional at the church effective immediately. Face masks will continue to be required for those caring for children under five years of age, and anyone is always free to choose to wear a mask at any church event.
  • Approved the request from the Building & Grounds Committee to obtain architectural specifications for safety upgrades to the interior Chapel bell tower, a new stairway between the rear parking lot and the lower Mansion Road building entrance, and gutter and downspout repairs to direct roof runoff away from the building.
  • The Building & Grounds Committee also submitted a Capital Procurement Requisition to restore all remaining stained glass windows in need and to protect seven basement windows along the back of the church with safety glass. The cost of the project is approximately $40,230 to be funded through the Stained Glass Window Restricted Fund.  This proposal will be reviewed by Derry’s committees and voted upon at the Session’s April meeting.
  • At the Maundy Thursday service, the children in the sacraments class will be permitted to assist with serving communion with their parents’ help.
  • Teresa Hutchison submitted her retirement request, which the session accepted with grace and gratitude for her 24 years of faithful service. An updated position description for the Administrative Assistant position was reviewed and approved. The open position will be posted internally.
  • Approved a recommendation from the Personnel Committee to increase the hourly wage of the Church Custodian position from $17 to $20 due to market conditions.
  • Derry’s Active Membership roll will be updated to delete the names of individuals who have moved, have not been active at Derry for a period of two years or more, or who are attending other churches.