Nov 2020 Session Highlights

  • Examined newly elected Ruling Elders and Deacons in preparation for ordination/installation in January.
  • Steven Guenther and Dennis Hosler shared the Treasurer’s report and reviewed the 2021 proposed budget. Information is still being gathered in order to complete next year’s budget. The proposed 2021 budget will be presented and voted upon at the December stated session meeting.
  • Due to rising COVID case levels in our area, the Session discussed whether changes should be made in our current response and service schedule. After discussion Session approved the following actions:
    • Suspend music ensembles that cannot wear masks and distance for worship. Music for worship will be provided using pieces recorded prior to this decision and music from previous years.
    • Masks will continue to be required for all indoor and outdoor gatherings, including speakers, class leaders, singers, and preachers when a congregation or audience is present.
    • Fewer livestream participants will be present on Sunday mornings so that multiple people do not have to speak without a mask in the same area at the same time. Some of the worship liturgy will be pre-recorded so that those videos can be dropped into the service.
    • Continue to offer the schedule previously approved for in-person worship & gatherings (8 am Sunday service, 9 am Sunday School hour, 7 pm Tuesday service). The staff and any leaders of any in-person gatherings have the authority to cancel a gathering anytime they believe it is unsafe to continue or if they are personally uncomfortable leading the gathering at the given time.
    • The staff is working on several models for Christmas Eve worship based on recent survey results and safe practices. The plan is to offer multiple digital options as well as some in-person options.  More information will be shared closer to Christmas Eve as the specifics are developed.
  • The Presbyterian Women will be collecting funds for the group’s mission goal in January. In the past, these funds have been raised through the Cookie Walk/Jumbles Shop sales. 
  • Approved a request from the Personnel Committee to use monies from the Brong Scholarship fund to enable Grant Wareham to obtain a Certificate in Choral Conducting from Messiah College. The request meets the eligibility for use of the scholarship funds. The total cost will be approximately $10,000 to $12,0000 over three years. Grant will be able to attend school part time and continue without disruption in his full-time position at Derry.
  • The Session approved the annual Giving Tree, collection of $25 Walmart gift cards (75% donated to Derry Township families, 25% to Penn National racetrack workers), and the donation of the Christmas Eve offering to the Community Check Up Center.