Sept 2021 Session Highlights

  • Approved baptism of Nikolai Minnich, son of Derry members, Sean and Valerie Minnich.
  • Stephen Guenther has indicated that he will be stepping down as church Treasurer over the next year. Craig Kegerise has volunteered to accept this position. The Session thanks Craig for his willingness to offer his assistance and Steven for his leadership and financial expertise. The Session unanimously elected Craig as Vice Treasurer. He will be working with Steven and becoming familiar with the church finances as he prepares to take on this role.
  • Reviewed the preliminary 2022 church budget and Stewardship Sunday plans.
  • Approved revised “Guidelines for Burial of Cremated Remains in DPC Cemetery.” The revisions include increasing the cost of a plot to $1,000 and adding an administrative fee of 25% to the cost of the ground level marker.