What Happens Now with the Steinway?

The congregation had a chance to hear the Steinway grand piano recommended by the piano committee in Sunday morning worship and at an afternoon recital on Jan 8. The piano is on loan for several weeks as our congregation discerns whether or not to purchase it as a memorial to Lee Ann Taylor that will enhance our music program and be a legacy for future generations.

At this time only pledges are being accepted toward the piano: to pledge your financial support over one or two years, please contact Sandy Miceli or Pastor Stephen. The total amount pledged will indicate to the Session how much interest and support there is for purchasing this instrument. Session will then make a final decision at either its January or February meeting, when the elders have heard from all the church committees and evaluated progress of the pledge campaign. 

If you have any questions about the piano or process, please reach out to Dick Hann or Dan Dorty.

Click the red arrow to watch the Jan 8 afternoon recital by Dan Dorty, Mary Lemons, Shelly Moorman-Stahlman and others as they play a range of musical styles on the instrument.