Search Results for: Derry Church
Derry Church’s Session has approved hiring Shawn Gray as our Director of Christian Education
We are excited to welcome Shawn to our ministry team as of December 1. He has many years of experience working with children and youth in a Christian Educator role, most recently at Paxton…
Two Derry Church Alerts
The steps connecting the parking lot behind Fellowship Hall to the lot along Mansion Road will be under construction over the next few weeks so a ramp with a railing can be.…
Presbyterian Women Gather at Derry Church
REGISTRATION 9:15-9:45 AM SATURDAY, AUG 19 IN FELLOWSHIP HALL All women are invited to the PW in Carlisle Presbytery Gathering at Derry Church. For the morning session, Emily Sutphin -- associate…
Learn About Derry Church’s Confirmation Program
11:45 AM SUNDAY, AUG 13 IN THE YOUTH ROOM Youth and parents who would like to learn more about Derry's 2023-24 Confirmation program are invited to meet in the Youth Room with Pastor Stephen after…
Derry Church Seeks a Treasurer
Our church treasurer, Craig Kegerise, has expressed his need to resign from the position. We thank Craig for all his work and service to Derry Church. We are now in the process of identifying a new…
Derry Church Grocery Bags Available Now
Come and get your Derry Church reusable shopping bag on Sunday, July 16! The bags were created in a collaboration with the Communications & Technology Committee (CTC) and our Vacation Bible…
Presbyterian Women Seek Volunteers for August Gathering at Derry Church
9 AM - 2 PM SATURDAY, AUG 19 AT DERRY CHURCH Volunteers are needed to host the Gathering of Presbyterian Women in the Presbytery of Carlisle: a pianist for the morning session, ushers/people,…
Learn About an Eagle Scout Project Benefiting Derry Church
Isabelle Holley, a member of Troop 2200 (the sister organization to Boy Scout Troop 200 at Derry Church), has brought forward her plan for an Eagle Scout project: cataloging and organizing the silk…
New Art Installation coming to Derry Church: Your Photos Needed! Derry member Luke Gawron has been commissioned to create a painting for the main entrance of the church, and he's looking for your help. Luke needs copies or duplicate…
Derry Church Celebrates These Graduates on Sunday
HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATESRachel DeWees, Palmyra High SchoolAttending Lebanon Valley College: double major in Early Childhood and Special EducationParents: David and Rebecca DeWees Kathryn Kyper, …
Derry Church Seeks Information on Recent Graduates
In preparation for Graduate Recognition Sunday on May 21, the church office needs information on all those graduating from high school, college, and grad school by Wednesday, May 17. Please send the…
Holy Week Services at Derry Church
Maundy Thursday, April 67 pm worship in the Sanctuary with communion and live streaming led by Pastor Stephen, the Sanctuary Choir, members of the Children & Sacraments class, and…