PW Offers New Card Making Opportunity

Derry’s Presbyterian Women are partnering with the PW of Paxton Presbyterian Church to support Caitlin’s Smiles, an organization that provides gift bags of small craft projects to hospitalized children. Inside the bag is a handmade card of encouragement signed by the maker of the card. You’re invited to support this effort by making some cards! This program takes the place of Santa Shops this year.

Through Dec 15, Derry’s PW will receive cards in a basket on the bench at the Mansion Road church entrance. Cards may be any size of shape but NO glitter. DO NOT SAY GET WELL as many of the children are terminally ill. DO NOT INCLUDE ANY RELIGIOUS MESSAGE as the children are from many different religions. Focus on sayings such as: sending smiles, sending bear hugs, thinking of you, sending warm wishes, you’re a star, you’re a champion, and similar encouraging messages. 

Children love bright, bold, and silly cards. Jokes, riddles, and funny sayings are great to include. Sign your first name only on your card, along with your town. Children and youth are invited to make cards, too. Remember to say a prayer for the child.