Month: February 2023
Dan Dorty • Director of Music and Organist
February 23, 2023
This past Sunday we were led in worship by our talented youth, and as we finished the postlude, I couldn’t help but leave worship feeling uplifted, enriched, and overcome with joy and feeling that I had been in the presence of the Holy Spirit. We were blessed by their singing, the spoken word, choreographed dance, and God’s Hidden Hands Puppet Ministry. Mayangela Speicher eloquently spoke on joy and the more profound meaning within this three-letter word. Where do we find joy in our own lives and faith journey? Where do we look for assurance and peace that God is with us, working through us, and present in our lives? Where do we see joy in our church? What does it mean to be joyful in the Lord?
Since being called to Derry Church in September as your Director of Music and Organist, life has been a whirlwind of change and adjustment, growing in faith and trust, learning new schedules, memorizing many names and faces, keeping many to-do lists and checking them twice. The vibrant music ministry of this church is a dream come true and an answer to many prayers, made so by each member of the many choirs. I have found fulfilling joy in working with the Sanctuary Choir and Derry Ringers, welcoming new members, and watching the choirs grow in number, musicianship, and faith. Their passion for ringing and singing is inspiring, and their care and support have brought joy each week as we pray together and become a musical family of brothers and sisters in Christ.
Terrific Tuesdays have become a highlight in my week: working with the youth singers brings joy through their energy, spirit, and laughter. Our children’s music ministry is growing through the leadership of Claire Folts and Debbi Kees-Folts. What a joy to see classrooms full of children singing, playing drums, and ringing handbells and chimes!
As a congregation, you have brought incredible joy in your appreciation and support of this church’s arts and music ministry. The Lee Ann Taylor Memorial Steinway and Sons Concert Grand Piano has been a testament to that unwavering support. Thank you for appreciating the value of the music in worship and the impact and mission that this new piano will have on future generations. February 12, 2023 was memorable as we dedicated this incredible instrument in Lee Ann’s honor. We were privileged to have Ruth Slenczynska play in worship and sign our new piano. Ruth is a joy!
As I have come home to my faith tradition in the Presbyterian church, I am seeing God anew in innumerable ways, and Derry Church has been one of the greatest joys in my life. When Sarah and I announced our engagement in early February, we were overwhelmed by the outpouring of love from our church family in cards, letters, emails, and well wishes, always followed by a hug. We have found joy in the warmth of Derry Church, a church with the sweetest people on earth, nestled in the heart of the sweetest place on earth.
Thank you for sharing the light and love of Christ and for bringing joy as we share this faith and music journey together, giving God glory, praise, and adoration while giving thanks each day for all the joys God has showered upon us.
Feb 2023 Session Highlights
February 22, 2023- Members of the Personnel committee led a discussion on a proposal for a new staff role at Derry, that of Faith Community Nurse. This position would foster whole person wellness for the members and staff of Derry, and the surrounding community, complying with the Scope and Standards of Practice of Faith Community Nursing. Specifically, the FCN would provide spiritual care surrounding health issues and be a health advocate for those in need, promote whole person health and disease prevention integrating faith and health through visits, counseling, education, support groups and training of volunteers. Elders and their committees will be discussing this concept, and there will be multiple opportunities for the congregation to learn more about this proposal.
- Approved several building use requests:
- March 11 Fellowship Hall & Kitchen. Requested by Sue Fox for a baby shower.
- March 12 Sanctuary & Fellowship Hall. Requested by Scout Troop 200 for Eagle Scout Ceremonies.
- April 20-22 Use of church facilities for the African Children’s Choir including overnight stay and concert on Friday, April 21. Requested by Arts Alive committee.
- March 24, 2024 Sanctuary. Requested by Market Square Concert Series for a concert featuring the Poulenc Trio.
- Reviewed January’s financial reports.
- Approved an amendment to Derry’s Capital Procurement Policy which increases the threshold for submission of a Capital Procurement Requisition from $5,000 to $10,000. Approved proposed guidelines for Derry’s Ruth Codington Lending Library.
- At the request of the Personnel Committee, the Session approved the transfer of $20,000 from the Futures Fund to the Search Expense account to balance the account and provide funds for future personnel search expenditures.
- Set the date of March 11, 2023 at 9:00 am for a meeting of the College of Elders & Deacons.
- The Mission & Peace Committee has contributed $5,000 to Presbyterian Disaster Relief to support the organization’s earthquake assistance in Turkey and Syria. The Session approved the Committee’s request to solicit additional donations from the congregation.
- Re-elected Duncan Campbell as President and elected Tracey Kinney as Vice President of The Derry Presbyterian Church, Inc.
College of Elders and Deacons
February 22, 20239 AM – 12 PM SATURDAY, MAR 11 IN ROOM 7
All Derry members who have ever been ordained as an Elder or Deacon are invited to next month’s “College of Elders and Deacons.” This is an opportunity to share your thoughts, experiences, concerns, and joys as Derry has transitioned out of COVID. Together we will build on what is going well and identify where gaps may be in our ministry. We’ll talk about the possibility of a Faith Community Nurse position at Derry, and what that means for our staff, our members, and our ministry, and learn about 300th anniversary plans. We hope many of our past and present leaders will join us as we look to the future and our 300th anniversary at Derry Church.
If you will be attending, let us know by signing up here.
Mendelssohn Piano Trio

Felix Mendelssohn described “the essence of the beautiful is unity in a variety.” Inspired by this idea, Mendelssohn Piano Trio explores richness of the genre in three stylistically different compositions with their March 26 program. From Tyzen Hsiao’s “Formosa” Trio, a poetic tribute to natural beauty of Taiwan, and Beethoven’s uplifting Piano Trio Op. 70, No. 2, to Mendelssohn’s passionate Piano Trio in D Minor, this program offers a bird’s eye view of piano trio’s expressive range and historic development.
Since its founding in 1997, the Mendelssohn Piano Trio has performed over 500 concerts in the US, Europe and Asia. The group has also recorded 15 CDs including most recently a cycle of the complete Haydn Piano Trios released on Centaur Records. The Mendelssohn Piano Trio’s extensive repertoire of over 100 works embraces music from all periods of the genre’s history.
Ya-Ting Chang, pianist, is from Taiwan; Peter Sirotin, violinist, is from Ukraine; and Fiona Thompson, cellist, is from England. The Washington Post described their Brahms as “unfathomably beautiful” and “electrifying,” while praising their “technically immaculate” and “rich in psychological insight” Tchaikovsky. European reviewers noted “freshness and energy” in “unusually emotional” interpretations of Haydn piano trios, while Audiophilia magazine praised these recordings as “warm, sonorous and lively.” The Mendelssohn Piano Trio performances and recordings can be heard on many classical radio stations including NPR’s Performance Today, as well as WETA’s Front Row Washington.
Small Candies Needed to Fill Plastic Easter Eggs
Derry Church is hosting its annual Easter egg hunt on April 1, and we need your help: please drop off bags of individually wrapped, nut-free candies in the “Easter Treats” basket in the mission closet in the atrium library by Friday, Mar 24. We’ll be filling dozens of eggs for multiple age groups, so any and all donations are welcome and appreciated.
One Great Hour of Sharing Starts Now
February 22, 2023
As Lent begins, Derry Church begins receiving the One Great Hour of Sharing Offering, continuing through Easter Sunday, April 9. This year the Mission and Peace Committee has set a goal of $18,000 for this offering. Half will go to the Presbyterian Church (USA) and half to Bridges to Community for construction of a house in the Dominican Republic. OGHS envelopes are in the pew racks or give online.
NEW! “Women’s Journey in Prayer”
February 22, 2023A NEW Journey In Faith (JIF) group is forming! Women’s Journey in Prayer will gather on select Sunday evenings in the Lounge from 6:30-8 pm. The group will begin with prayer, include a short story/devotional, then take time for discussion and conversation, and most importantly, learning how we can be there to support one another in everyday life.
The group will use “Small Graces: The Quiet Gifts of Everyday Life” by Kent Nerburn for discussion topics and stories.
All women are welcome as we pause from the craziness of life and gather for a special time together.
Here’s the schedule:
Sunday, Feb 26
Sunday, Mar 12
Sunday, Mar 26
Sunday, Apr 16
Sunday, Apr 30
Sunday, May 14
Contact Elizabeth Gawron for more information.
NEW! Derry Dads
February 22, 2023
Dads, this is a brand-new fellowship group that offers you the chance to enjoy time with other Derry dads. This group will meet monthly at a variety of locations over the course of the year. For more information, contact Pastor Stephen.
Presbyterians Today Takes a Sacred Pause
February 22, 2023The Presbyterians Today team is taking a “sacred pause” after the March/April edition to dream and discern how best to tell the stories of the PCUSA. Readers will still receive a monthly newsletter keeping them up to date on their efforts and sharing stories gathered along the way. Their Facebook page will be available with prayers, articles, video stories and updates on what’s being discovered as the team plans and prepares for what is to come. They welcome your prayers and questions: email
Give to the Blanket Offering
February 22, 2023
Throughout the month of February, Presbyterian Women are collecting for the Blanket Offering. When difficult times come, a kind and loving response can make all the difference. That is why the Church World Service Blankets Program was created: to give a kind, loving and tangible response to someone facing difficult times, reminding them that they are not alone. The program focuses on three main objectives:
- Eiminate hunger and poverty
- Help displaced persons
- Respond to disasters
In Jackson, Mississippi, two disasters fell on top of each other. Heavy rain caused much flooding and cause damage to the water plants. Many people were without clean water or any water. A church became a water distribution center. They also distributed school kits to help children who had to do online schooling. Also hygiene kits and cleanup buckets. Recipients called to resources helpful, necessary and life-savers.
Click to watch a short video introducing the Blanket Offering
Please give to the Blanket Offering as generously as you are able. Gifts can be placed in the boxes at church, mailed to the church office or given online.
Meet Areeba, One of Derry Church’s PEB Scholarship Recipients
February 22, 2023
Hello dear donor! I want to say Thank you for all your support towards me. I am Areeba from Class 3. I study in EMS Girls High School. My father is a carpenter. My mother is a house wife. We are a big family. I wish to continue my studies and wish to become a designer. My all dreams can be fulfilled because of your kind support. You are an angel on the Earth for many. I am one of them. Thank you for being my support. I always pray for you and your family.
For 12 years, Derry Church has maintained a partnership with the Presbyterian Education Board in Pakistan. PEB operates 25 schools, primary through high school, including some boarding schools, that serve more than 5,900 students. Derry, through the Friends of Sargodha group, has a particular relationship with the schools in Sargodha.
Friends of Sargodha’s goal is to continue to provide ten scholarships every year. You can help.
A full scholarship for a day student is $400 a year, about a dollar a day. We are dividing that amount into ten shares, $40 each, to offer you the opportunity to support a portion of a scholarship.
You can purchase one or more shares by writing a check to Derry Church notated “Pakistan Scholarship” or online through the church website.
Read Debbie Hough’s message inviting you to participate. This fundraiser continues through February 2023.
Feb 2023 Financial Snapshot
February 16, 2023Cash Flow – Operating Fund as of 1/31/23
Income YTD: | $120,101 | $108,334 |
Expenses YTD: | 20,704 | 112,578 |
Surplus/(Deficit) YTD: | 99,397 | (4,244) |
Check Out Our Library
February 16, 2023
Have you visited the Ruth Codington Library lately? It’s right inside the door on the building’s lower level (entrance #1). A committee of Derry library lovers have been working diligently to grow and organize our diverse book collection. You can even search the online catalog (also accessible via the Derry Church homepage).
Want to take something home? Just remove the card from the back of the book, write your name and the date on it, and place it in the box on the shelf. Easy!
Check back often to see our new monthly library themes. February encourages us to Fall in Love with the Library. You’ll find love titles on display, love quotes from our library authors, and a list of Bible verses that remind us of God’s unending love. There is also a graffiti wall to share YOUR favorite words of love, and a section dedicated to staff favorites (Can you guess who fell in love with a Mitch Albom book?)
Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love. 1 Corinthians 16:13-14
“Engage Stories” Live Storytelling IS BACK!
February 16, 20236:30 PM SATURDAY, MAR 18 IN ROOM 7 • IN-PERSON-ONLY EVENT
You’re invited to join us for Engage Stories, where we gather to listen to diverse stories told by our Derry friends, and engage with them through curious questions. It’s an opportunity to learn from the lived experiences of others.
The theme for this event is “I was wrong.” Each storyteller will share a short story about a time they realized they acted wrong, thought wrong, or believed wrong. We’ve all been wrong before, but each time can be a learning experience.
On March 18, we’ll learn and engage with stories from Sandy Ballard, Charlie Koch, Andy Freiberg, Elizabeth Gawron, Andy Phillips (the Head of Logos Academy), and others.

PDA Steps in to Provide Relief in Syria and Turkey
February 16, 2023
The 7.8-magnitude quake on Feb 6 and its aftershocks have left more than 35,000 people dead and thousands more injured. Buildings have been reduced to rubble, and roads and bridges have been severely damaged, resulting in dangerous conditions for first responders. In some places, such as Aleppo, this destruction is compounding the damage of the now 11-year war in Syria.
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance is providing emergency relief and short-term recovery in the impacted areas through long-standing partners in Syria, in addition to ACT Alliance members in Syria and Turkey, all of whom are already on the ground. PDA will remain active throughout the entire recovery process, accompanying our partners in the area as they determine long-term program needs and providing financial support for building and resilience.
Derry Church’s Mission & Peace Committee is sending $5,000 in support of PDA’s relief efforts, and you’re invited to add to that amount by clicking this link or writing checks to Derry Church notated “Earthquake Relief.”
Give to the Blanket Offering
February 16, 2023Throughout the month of February, Presbyterian Women are collecting for the Blanket Offering. When difficult times come, a kind and loving response can make all the difference. That is why the Church World Service Blankets Program was created: to give a kind, loving and tangible response to someone facing difficult times, reminding them that they are not alone. The program focuses on three main objectives:
- Eiminate hunger and poverty
- Help displaced persons
- Respond to disasters
A program in Jersey City, New Jersey has partnered with the founder of American Doll company to distribute sewing machines to refugees coming from Ukraine, Cuba, Afganistan and Central America. One client, Mona, is utilizing her existing skills to generate income. She is making clothes for herself and family and working as a seamstress. This program will serve 5,000 clients in 2023 helping refugees to earn a sustainable living.
Please give to the Blanket Offering as generously as you are able. Gifts can be placed in the boxes at church, mailed to the church office or given online.
Meet Hossana, One of Derry Church’s PEB Scholarship Recipients
February 16, 2023
Hello friend! How are you? My name is Hossana. I study in class 4. My school is the best school in the whole city. I am grateful to you for your support towards me and my family. Because of you I can continue my studies at PEB EMS Girls Sargodha. My dad cannot fulfill the full fee of my school. I am thankful to you for holding my hand. I request you to please support me throughout my studies. We pray for you daily. I promise you, I will work harder and will become a doctor in future. May God bless you and your family.
For 12 years, Derry Church has maintained a partnership with the Presbyterian Education Board in Pakistan. PEB operates 25 schools, primary through high school, including some boarding schools, that serve more than 5,900 students. Derry, through the Friends of Sargodha group, has a particular relationship with the schools in Sargodha.
Friends of Sargodha’s goal is to continue to provide ten scholarships every year. You can help.
A full scholarship for a day student is $400 a year, about a dollar a day. We are dividing that amount into ten shares, $40 each, to offer you the opportunity to support a portion of a scholarship.
You can purchase one or more shares by writing a check to Derry Church notated “Pakistan Scholarship” or online through the church website.
Read Debbie Hough’s message inviting you to participate. This fundraiser continues through February 2023.
Derry Youth
February 16, 2023
The joy of the Lord is our strength is the theme for Youth Sunday 2023. Joy is mentioned 430 times in the Bible and happiness only 10. In the book of Galatians 5:22, joy is included in the gift of the Spirit. But what is joy?
When we think of joy we first think of smiles, happiness, and Christmas mornings. Joy is not just happiness; it can exist with a myriad of other emotions. Joy can coexist with sadness and sorrow. Joy is not the absence of grief or pain or challenge.
One of our definitions of joy is the feeling that the Lord is with you and knowing that God helps you through the bad times. We are reminded of God’s love, strength, and presence in our life and that brings up joy. That joy strengthens us for the good times and the bad times we know we will encounter. Through the joy of the Lord we have confidence that everything is going all right … or in the words of St. Julian of Norwich, “All shall be well and all manner of things shall be made well.” It doesn’t mean everything will always be okay or work out the way we desire in this life, but the joy of the Lord gives us strength to persevere and find the blessing.
On Youth Sunday, joy will be expressed with song, dance, worship, puppets, and an awesome sermon by Mayangela Speicher.
We invite you to come and experience the spirit of the joy of the Lord of Sunday, February 19. We hope you enjoy the service as much as we will enjoy leading you in worship!
M.E. Steelman • Director of Church Life and Connection
February 9, 2023For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them. Matthew 18:20
I love this scripture verse and the truth of these words. One of the great blessings Derry Church offers is the ability to gather. Yes, we gather for weekly worship, but we also gather to eat, talk, play, plan, create and dream. Our times together lead us to wonderful discussions, learning experiences, stories we never knew, and a chance to pause, reflect and maybe even see things from another perspective. This is true not only for the adults of our church, but for the children as well. Derry’s Children’s Ministry programs have so many of these amazing moments happening, and I am excited to share some of them with you.
Our Sunday mornings are full of energy and excitement as we gather together with friends to sing, learn, explore, share and play. We begin our morning with songs of praise and thanksgiving. This time gets the blood flowing through fun sounds and movements and paves the way for our story of the day. We then move to our classrooms…
Preschool (ages 2-5) gather in the Nursery Suite
Kindergarten – 2nd gather in Room 3
Grades 3 – 5 gather in Room 5
…where the learning continues through story, creative exploration and games.
Our KIWI (Kids In Worship Instruction) class has had a wonderful time learning more about worship through exploring common symbols of faith, the words and meaning of the Lord’s Prayer, and the importance of confessing our sins and giving thanks for our many blessings. This time together also allows this group (ages 4-6) the opportunity to build friendships with their peers.
Our Kids’ Fellowship (grades 2-5) has been so fun to work with! These kids have a wonderful connection with one another and enjoy all kinds of activities as they simply love hanging out together. Our gatherings have included a “beach party,” a chair volleyball tournament, and a mission project day. Later this month we’ll have a pancake breakfast and silly fun in our PJs. This time together lets us continue to build relationships, something that helps make our faith journey stronger and more meaningful.
Terrific Tuesday is back and better than ever! Fellowship Hall is packed with families and friends of all ages enjoying the opportunity to eat and have fellowship. Adults have the chance to talk and get to know one another better, and the children are filling our classrooms and making Tuesday evenings fun and engaging for all. Our Tuesday evening programs of music and creative arts are designed to help the children connect more with one another as the evening gathering is more relaxed than Sunday mornings, but it also offers the children a chance to dig deeper and learn through a variety of creative techniques. It is truly a wonderful evening for all ages!
Now that I share about all the excitement and fun, I also need to share that we are looking for more helping hands to keep it going! We have wonderful leaders for all our programs, but need volunteers to help in each classroom and support the children. I would love to welcome more adults into our Childrens’ Ministry spaces as I know you will love joining our faith filled adventures! Each volunteer will need to complete the following before working with our children or youth…
- PA Child Abuse History Clearance
- PA State Police Criminal Record Check
- FBI Criminal Background Check and History Record, required if the volunteer has lived in PA for less than 10 consecutive years; this also includes fingerprinting
- Derry Church Safe Children Training class (approx. 45 min and can be done in person or via Zoom)
- Children Volunteer Application and Disclosure Statement every five years, which needs to be signed and witnessed by someone other than a direct relative. This form also satisfies the requirement for volunteers who have been residents of PA for 10 consecutive years or more to affirm that they are not disqualified from service based upon a conviction of an offense under Pennsylvania Title 23 Chapter 63 Section 6344(c)
I encourage you to join us. Please email me with any questions or to get started with your clearance paperwork.
Now that our programs are running strong, our Christian Education committee and Children’s Ministry Team members have discussed the Sunday morning schedule and how to structure it moving forward.
Starting Sunday, February 26 (as Lent begins), Sunday School for ALL AGES will be held 9:15-10:15 am.
- Children will gather in Room 4 (then proceed to their classrooms after music time)
- Youth will gather in the Youth Room
- Issues Class in Room 7 and on Zoom
- Bible Study in Room 2
**Coffee is always available in the coffee nook just outside the church kitchen**
I look forward to watching our programs continue to grow. I look forward to welcoming many more children into our spaces to learn and grow closer to God. And I look forward to having more adults join us to help our programs continue to meet the needs of this growing ministry.
I hope to hear from many of you soon!
Register Now for Krislund Summer Fun
February 8, 2023Krislund Camp is in full swing preparing for the return of summer campers for their 60th year of ministry. Registration is open for all summer programs, so don’t wait to get your camper signed up for a week or more: click to register.
Krislund is also looking for summer staff. If you know anyone age 17-24 years old who may be interested, email Kealy at or call the office at 814-422-8878.
Mardi Gras Celebration Benefits Refugee Resettlement
February 8, 2023
Laissez les bons temps rouler! Join your friends at All Saints and “let the good times roll” on Shrove Tuesday. This year’s pancake supper takes a Cajun twist with New Orleans favorites like jambalaya, gumbo and King cake. We’ll end the evening by praying Compline and burning the palms from last year in preparation for Ash Wednesday.
Suggested donation: $7 per person / $25 cap for families. All proceeds benefit our Refugee Resettlement partnership with All Saints.

If You Can Sew, PW Needs Your Help!
February 8, 2023Kits for sewing simple drawstring hygiene bags are ready for pickup in the Presbyterian Women’s basket in the mission closet in the downstairs library. Each kit contains fabric for ten bags plus ribbons, instructions, and a sample. Please sign the paper on clipboard if you take a kit.
All bags should be completed by mid-March. Questions? Contact Doris Feil.
Meet Tabish, One of Derry Church’s PEB Scholarship Recipients
February 8, 2023
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. My name is Tabish. I am from Sargodha, a city famous for its oranges. I am a student of class 10. Thank you very much for your kind support and helping me in my studies. I want to become a doctor. My favorite subject is biology. I want to become helpful for my community in future. Your support is life giving in my ambitions to me. Thank you once again.
For 12 years, Derry Church has maintained a partnership with the Presbyterian Education Board in Pakistan. PEB operates 25 schools, primary through high school, including some boarding schools, that serve more than 5,900 students. Derry, through the Friends of Sargodha group, has a particular relationship with the schools in Sargodha.
Friends of Sargodha’s goal is to continue to provide ten scholarships every year. You can help.
A full scholarship for a day student is $400 a year, about a dollar a day. We are dividing that amount into ten shares, $40 each, to offer you the opportunity to support a portion of a scholarship.
You can purchase one or more shares by writing a check to Derry Church notated “Pakistan Scholarship” or online through the church website.
Read Debbie Hough’s message inviting you to participate. This fundraiser continues through February 2023.
Dale Forshey • Executive Director, Love INC of Greater Hershey
February 2, 2023On the first Thursday of each month, the eNews feature article highlights the mission focus for the month. In February we’re lifting up homelessness and our partnership with our across-the-street neighbor, Love INC of Greater Hershey.

Love INC would like to thank Derry Church for your partnership as we serve the local community. During the past few years, low-income families have been struggling to make ends meet. Local housing prices have soared, which has caused rental housing prices to also go up. When leases are ending, landlords have raised the rental prices. For a low-income family, this can be devastating and could cause a homeless situation. Inflation has caused the prices of necessities (heating costs, utilities, food, gasoline) to go up while the family income stays the same. This can also lead to a homeless situation.
Love INC supports people in need that live or attend a church in the Hershey and Hummelstown areas as well as the Dauphin County portion of Elizabethtown. Love INC’s Connection Center has seen a large increase of calls relating to rental and utility assistance. The Personal Care Closet partners with the Hershey, Hummelstown, and Hershey Free food pantries to supply personal care items that families cannot buy with their government assistance programs. During 2022, the number of Personal Care Closet orders has doubled, which emphasized the need in our community. The Homes of Hope program is designed to help a family that is homeless or soon to be homeless by providing temporary housing, a case manager, and advocates that can provide support and assistance to the family. This program can support two families at the same time. Love INC utilized one of our family homes to provide housing for Derry’s refugee family for six months.
Love INC’s Parsonage ministry partners with Penn State Health to supply free housing for families with loved ones in the medical center. It is very rewarding to be able to support these families as they go through a very tough time. Love INC’s Faith and Finances class provides education on spending and savings plans, managing debt, and working toward long-term financial stability. Love INC’s Sneaker Distribution ministry provides new sneakers to low income students in Derry Township and Lower Dauphin School Districts before the start of the new school year.
Love INC truly appreciates the partnership that we share with Derry Church. Numerous Derry members volunteer to support Love INC ministries, provide items for our fall auction or the sneaker distribution, and donate financially. Currently, there is not a Derry Church member on the Love INC Board of Directors. Love INC’s Board is very active and meets monthly. If you would be interested in being a board member or becoming a volunteer to help with one of the Love INC ministries, please reach out to me at
Feb 5 is Scout Sunday!
February 1, 2023
Did you know that Derry Church is host to three scouting programs?
- Pack 200 (boys and girls K-5) meets 6:30-7:30 pm on most Mondays at Derry Church: contact
or visit - Troop 200 (boys grades 6-12) meets 6:45-7:45 pm Mondays at the Scout House: contact Chris Kalmbacher.
- Troop 2200 (girls grades 6-12) meets 5:30-6:30 pm Mondays at the Scout House: contact Brian Holley.
When you see these young people in worship on Sunday morning, ask them about their scouting experience. Click for more info.
Presbyterian Women’s Winter Tea
All females 1-day to 100+ years are invited to the 2023 Winter Tea. The first hour is devoted to sharing a story or picture related to the theme for this year, sharing a memory of a church leader who had an influence in your life. This can include a pastor, church school teacher, camp leader, choir director, etc. It’s a great time to get to know fellow members and children better. Afterwards, everyone can enjoy the tea and treats. RSVP to Doris Feil by Mar 1.
Coming Soon: Youth Sunday!
February 1, 20238 & 10:30 AM SUNDAY, FEB 19 IN THE SANCTUARY
Join us for a worship service planned, written, and led by our youth around the theme “the joy of the LORD is our strength.” Youth will explore the joy of the LORD through prayers, music, dance, puppets, and a message. The youth hope you will come and share in their joy on Sunday, Feb 19.

Help Derry Church Host the Lenten Luncheon on Mar 1
February 1, 2023When Derry Church hosts the mid-day Hershey Ministerium Lenten service and lunch next month, many hands are needed: volunteers to help set up, serve and clean up, as well as donations of congealed salads in 9″x 15″ pans and/or two dozen cupcakes.
Deliver food items to the kitchen any time on Tuesday or by 9 am on Wednesday, Mar 1. Contact Doris Feil if you can help in any of these ways.
Two Ways You Can Support our Refugee Family Right Now
February 1, 2023#1: Donate Items on the Wish List
Good news: our refugee family has moved from the temporary Love INC house to an apartment in Hershey. The house was furnished, so now furnishings for the new apartment are necessary. You can help by providing gently used furniture and household items from this wish list. Drop off items in Room 1.
#2: Providing Transportation to Preschool
During the month of February, volunteers are invited to provide afternoon transportation for Layan and a parent to and from their new home at Briarcrest Apartments and Derry Church (Discovery Days preschool). One parent must accompany her during travel (approximately six minutes one way). The parent will then need to be transported back to the apartment. Click to sign up. DDD starts promptly at 12:30 pm and ends at 3 pm Monday through Thursday.
Contact Kathie Parsons (717-215-8197) by phone/text for more information.
To offer more ways to help, please contact Pete Feil or Marilyn Koch.
Indoor Mini Golf Tournament Benefits Love INC
Round up your friends, rally your family, gather your church small group, or assemble a few of your colleagues for this friendly competition to support people in need.
This amusing event features an 18-hole miniature golf course *indoors* on what is typically a cold and dreary day in March. Gift cards will be awarded to each member of the first and second-place teams in a given flight. In addition, a hole-in-one prize will be awarded at a designated hole.
20 teams can play during flight times set for 10 am, 12 pm and 2 pm. Cost is $100/team and proceeds benefit Love INC of Greater Hershey. For more information and to register your team, click here
Grand Piano Fundraising Under Way
February 1, 2023

At its January 18 stated meeting, the Session voted to approve the purchase of the Steinway grand piano in memory of Lee Ann Taylor. More than $146,554 has been pledged toward the $150,000 price. To support this effort, send checks notated “memorial piano” to Derry Church, 248 East Derry Road, Hershey PA 17033 or give online:
Meet Imsal, One of Derry Church’s PEB Scholarship Recipients
February 1, 2023
Blessings in Christ! My dear friend, hope you are doing well by the Grace of God. My name is Imsal. I study in class 8. It is a great blessing for me to have you in my life. You are a great help for many on the earth. I wish to become a lawyer and work for the sake of justice and peace and and thanks to be God for helping me through your kind heart. My parents can’t afford my full fee. Thank you for helping me and for supporting me. We remember you in our daily prayers.
For 12 years, Derry Church has maintained a partnership with the Presbyterian Education Board in Pakistan. PEB operates 25 schools, primary through high school, including some boarding schools, that serve more than 5,900 students. Derry, through the Friends of Sargodha group, has a particular relationship with the schools in Sargodha.
Friends of Sargodha’s goal is to continue to provide ten scholarships every year. You can help.
A full scholarship for a day student is $400 a year, about a dollar a day. We are dividing that amount into ten shares, $40 each, to offer you the opportunity to support a portion of a scholarship.
You can purchase one or more shares by writing a check to Derry Church notated “Pakistan Scholarship” or online through the church website.
Read Debbie Hough’s message inviting you to participate. This fundraiser continues through February 2023.