
Thank-You Notes for Our Church Family

Derry Friends, thank you for your recent contributions of meals and Giant gift cards to Family Promise. Keeping families sheltered and fed during this pandemic has been especially challenging. Your kindness and generosity has helped tremendously and is much appreciated! Jane Robertson, on behalf of the MIssion and Peace Committee

We want to thank Personnel Committee, staff, and everyone who came out to Gilbert’s celebration on Sunday. We also want to thank Lois Harris who helped plan the event. We are grateful for everyone’s hard work to host such a fun and special celebration. We are thankful we had the opportunity to celebrate with you. Verity had so much fun being the “Princess Big Sister” and was very impressed by all the donations you brought in for Love INC and the food pantry (450 pounds of food!). Thank you for your prayers and generosity. We look forward to the day when we can really introduce Gilbert to the church. We know he will be welcomed and loved. The McKinney-Whitaker family