Coin Return on Sunday Supports Change 4 Children

Bring your coins for the Alliance for Children Everywhere (ACE) Change 4 Children on Sunday, Sept 18

Alfie is one of 50 children Alliance for Children Everywhere was able to give the gift of family through last year’s contributions to Change 4 Children. His mother did not have the means to keep him and decided to leave him in the care of the crisis nurseries at the age of one month. As his family origins were largely unknown, it was realized reintegration was not possible for Alfie. The foster care team began proceedings to clear him for adoption. A young Zambian couple was matched with him, and the bonding process began at the House of Moses. Foster-to-adopt training has been going well, and Alfie is expected to soon go home with his new parents.

Change 4 Children baskets will be available on Sept 18 for donations to continue this and other ACE programs. Bring your change in zip-closed bags, remembering to bag any foreign coins separately. Check that the bag is free of paper clips, pins, batteries, buttons — anything that is not legal tender — as these clog the coin sorting machine.  

Change 4 Children is collected quarterly at Derry Church. The next offering will be received on Sunday, Dec 11.