CWS Blankets = Compassion in Action

The Church World Service Blanket program is about sharing love. Through this simple act of kindness, amazing things can happen. The program includes heavy wool blankets, lightweight acrylic blankets, school kits, hygiene kits and cleanup buckets. These provide relief immediately after a disaster or help to recover after an event. Last year 32,785 blankets were delivered to needy persons.

When Kentucky was hit with tornadoes in several small towns, Grandma Constance handed a blanket to her 4 year-old grandson Roland to bring him a sense of comfort and safety while they were staying at a temporary shelter. Roland carries his blanket with him everywhere he goes. He says it protects him in case another tornado comes. Click to read more stories.

Behind every kit and blanket, there is a prayerful and enthusiastic donor. By reaching out to help others, you create a ripple, an act of kindness which will spread the love we all need to be a part of.  It’s easy to donate: you can place cash in designated envelopes available in the pew racks, then place in the offering boxes. Or make checks payable to PW in Derry notated “Blanket Fund” that can be sent to the church office or placed in the offering boxes, or give online. Thank you!