Dec 2023 Session Highlights

  • Examined and approved the ordination and installation on January 14, 2024 of newly elected ruling elders and deacons.
  • Approved a baptism request for Reese MacFarlane, daughter of Erica & Brendan MacFarlane, who will be a part of the upcoming new member class.
  • Approved a building use request to hold a Japanese Swordmanship Seminar on Friday and Saturday, Jan 26-27 in Fellowship Hall.
  • Approved Derry’s 2024 budget as follows: $1,322,800 income, $1,415,711 expenses leaving a projected deficit of $92,911. Historically, expenses are less than budget projections and with the addition of a portion of the income from the Anderson Trust, any shortfall, if it occurs, can be minimized.
  • Stewardship & Finance reported that with the end-of-year giving and underspending of budgets by the committees, we may end 2023 with a budget surplus. If there is a surplus, the Session will address how to use it at the January 2024 meeting when final figures are available.
  • To increase opportunities for giving, the QR code included in the bulletin will be added to the livestream projection during the “Thanksgiving for Gifts Received” portion of the worship service. In addition, Stewardship & Finance will look for ways to increase the visual prominence of our collection boxes for depositing financial gifts.
  • Approved the Presbyterian Women 2024 collections: Blanket + Fund, Birthday and Thank offerings. The Cookie Walk Jumbles Shop event will be held Saturday, Dec 7.
  • As part of this year’s confirmation class, Pastor Stephen has issued a “Be a Blessing Challenge” in which each confirmand will be given $100 to bless an organization or cause. The purpose goes beyond giving money with each person encouraged to think how she can use the money to engage and invest in her cause. Session approved a request submitted by Alex Patton to solicit the congregation for books for a mini library, which she is proposing for her project. More information on specific books needed will be forthcoming.
  • The term of active service will end in January for elders: Duncan Campbell, Jessica Delo, Pete Feil, Claudia Holtzman, Gregg Robertson, and Laura Williams. Thank you to these elders for their leadership over the past three years, which included the challenges of the pandemic, helping Derry to continue to meet its commitment to proclaim God’s Word, share God’s love, and practice God’s justice.
  • This being ME Steelman’s final session meeting as a staff member, the Session acknowledged and thanked her for her commitment and dedication to Derry’s children and Christian Education program.