Feb 2023 Session Highlights

  • Members of the Personnel committee led a discussion on a proposal for a new staff role at Derry, that of Faith Community Nurse. This position would foster whole person wellness for the members and staff of Derry, and the surrounding community, complying with the Scope and Standards of Practice of Faith Community Nursing. Specifically, the FCN would provide spiritual care surrounding health issues and be a health advocate for those in need, promote whole person health and disease prevention integrating faith and health through visits, counseling, education, support groups and training of volunteers. Elders and their committees will be discussing this concept, and there will be multiple opportunities for the congregation to learn more about this proposal.
  • Approved several building use requests:
    • March 11 Fellowship Hall & Kitchen. Requested by Sue Fox for a baby shower.
    • March 12 Sanctuary & Fellowship Hall. Requested by Scout Troop 200 for Eagle Scout Ceremonies.
    • April 20-22 Use of church facilities for the African Children’s Choir including overnight stay and concert on Friday, April 21. Requested by Arts Alive committee.
    • March 24, 2024 Sanctuary. Requested by Market Square Concert Series for a concert featuring the Poulenc Trio.
  • Reviewed January’s financial reports.
  • Approved an amendment to Derry’s Capital Procurement Policy which increases the threshold for submission of a Capital Procurement Requisition from $5,000 to $10,000. Approved proposed guidelines for Derry’s Ruth Codington Lending Library.
  • At the request of the Personnel Committee, the Session approved the transfer of $20,000 from the Futures Fund to the Search Expense account to balance the account and provide funds for future personnel search expenditures.
  • Set the date of March 11, 2023 at 9:00 am for a meeting of the College of Elders & Deacons.
  • The Mission & Peace Committee has contributed $5,000 to Presbyterian Disaster Relief to support the organization’s earthquake assistance in Turkey and Syria. The Session approved the Committee’s request to solicit additional donations from the congregation.
  • Re-elected Duncan Campbell as President and elected Tracey Kinney as Vice President of The Derry Presbyterian Church, Inc.