February 2021 Session Highlights

February 2021 Session Highlights

  • Reviewed the annual Statistical Report prepared for PCUSA. 
  • The Treasurer reported that contributions and expenses are currently in line with budget expectations.
  • Received and discussed the COVID Task Force’s re-gathering proposal. After a lengthy discussion, the Session approved 3 phases for re-opening the church:  Phase 1A, Phase 1B, and Phase 2. Phase 1A will begin on March 7, 2021 with permitting 8:00 am worship in the Sanctuary (maximum of 30 people based on 10% comfortable pew seating capacity) and AA to meet in Room 10 with use of the patio entrance along Mansion Road. Opening dates for the other phases will be reviewed and discussed at the March 17, 2021 Session meeting.  
  • Approved continuing the use of the Anderson Trust quarterly distributions (as originally approved in 2017) as follows:
    • To pay the debt service associated with the Presbyterian Investment and Loan Program loan taken to fund Derry’s HVAC project.
    • If funds remain, a distribution will be made, if necessary, to address any shortfall in the Church budget.
    • Any remaining funds will be distributed 50% to Derry’s Capital Facilities Fund and 50% to the Legacy Fund.
  • Heard a proposal to purchase the property at 239 Derry Road which has been offered by the current owners to Derry for consideration. A task force comprised of members from various session committees toured the building and reviewed possible short and long-term recommendations for the property. The purchase of the property presents a unique opportunity for the church to acquire three contiguous properties along Derry Road. The Session discussed the need to develop a cohesive plan for use of the properties that Derry currently owns. If the property were to be purchased, the current plan would be to sell the property at 275 Mansion Road and develop a long-term strategy for the use of the three contiguous properties. After discussion, the Session authorized the Stewardship & Finance Committee to make an offer on 239 Derry Road at a price not to exceed $215,000 contingent upon a home inspection, appraisal, and congregational approval.  
  • A called meeting to receive new members was scheduled for March 7, 2021 at 2 pm.
  • Held the annual meeting of the Board of Trustees for The Derry Presbyterian Church, Inc. during which time Duncan Campbell was elected President and Connie Henry as Vice President.  Kathy Yingst, Clerk of Session and Stephen Guenther, Church Treasurer, were affirmed ex officio as Secretary and Treasurer of the Corporation, respectively.