Final Week to Support the PW Thank Offering

The Thank Offering of Presbyterian Women began in 1888 and supports mission projects at home and abroad. In keeping with the by-laws, 40% of funded projects are related to health ministries. Of the 10 projects funded this year, seven are in the US. Two projects that help adults with disabilities both here in the US and elsewhere in the world.  

In Mombin Crochu, Haiti, Village Partners International have a project addressing chronic and recurrent malnutrition. As earthquake, drought, political instability and Covid-19 threatens local food supplies in Haiti, this project will help prevent deaths and address root causes of severe malnutrition for rural, exceptionally poor families in Mombin Crochu. The grant will address several areas: increase interactions between children with severe malnutrition and clinical providers; educate physicians and nurses to support critically ill children; purchase equipment needed for severely malnourished children and create a emergency stockpile of supplies; provide educational events with communities and families; and establish nurseries of Moringa oleifera and Liane panier, plants used as nutritional supplements for families to cultivate in home gardens for personal consumption and income generation.

A second project in McAllen Texas will receive a commercial kitchen upgrade. CAMP (Can Achieve their Maximum Potential) University provides opportunities for adults with special needs to develop skills and interests that facilitate greater independence. The grant will provide a safe, updated commercial gas range that will be used for teaching adults how to follow instructions, such as recipes, and how to use various kitchen appliances. By providing cooking lessons, clients will learn to safely participate in meal preparation and eventually cook their own lunches at the university as an alternative to bringing lunches from home.

Please consider a contribution to the 2023 Thank Offering. Place checks in the offering boxes or mail to the church office, or give online as you are able in thanks for all the blessings in your life.