Join a Fall Study Group

 10:30 am – 12 pm Thursdays beginning Sept 8 in room 7
This study group is led by Jan Nixon. On Sept 8, Pastor Stephen will talk about what he learned on his recent sabbatical trip to Ireland. In following weeks, the group will delve into the Presbyterian Women’s study, “God’s Promise.”

9-10 am Sundays beginning Sept 18 in room 2
Led by Meara Kwee and Tom Folts, this study/discussion group will start each week by taking time to “catch our breath” through a reflection or centering exercise. Discussion will focus on the book of Ruth for the first five weeks.

11:45 am Sundays, Sept 18-Oct 2 in the Chapel
Pastor Stephen’s 11-minute lessons are back! Join him for a three-week study on reconciliation and things he learned at Corrymeela. The series takes a break in mid-October, resuming on Oct 23 with a new topic.

7-8:30 pm Mondays, Sept 19, Oct 3 & Nov 7 on Zoom
This women’s study group is reading Dr. Amy-Jill Levine’s “The Difficult Words of Jesus.” The author invites and encourages readers to “wrestle” with some of Jesus’s more confusing, controversial, and historically damage-inflicting words as recorded in the Gospels. Two of the six chapters will be discussed in each session. Click to join on Zoom