Nov 2023 Session Highlights

  • Held the examination of two incoming Deacons and approved their ordination and installation on January 14, 2024.
  • Approved extending an offer of part-time employment to Allison Cooper as a Nursery Childcare Provider. Scheduled a called Congregational meeting on December 10 to elect Pete Gawron as a Deacon to fill Michelle Califf’s unexpired term due to Michelle’s recent move. 
  • Approved a request from Milton Hershey School to use the Sanctuary for a choral concert featuring the school’s Senior Division New Horizon singers on December 15 at 7 pm. Also approved use of Room 7B by the Cocoa Townes HOA to hold their annual meeting on December 4 at 6 pm.
  • Giving continues to be below budget expectations. Expenses also continue to be less than the amounts budgeted, however, there will be large year end expenses in December.
  • The Session is discussing restarting the traditional offering collection and greeting one another during Sunday worship services. Concerns include being able to recruit volunteers to perform ushering duties, when and how to include these items in the order of service, the impact of interrupting the livestreaming of the service, and congregational health. Discussions will continue.
  • Approved Harrisburg’s Stop the Violence group as the recipient of Derry’s portion of the Christmas Joy Offering.
  • Approved the addition of Peggy Ladd to the Derry Discovery Board, and DDD’s request to hold a winter fundraiser event on January 20 in Fellowship Hall. The event will include a pancake breakfast, crafts, and a silent auction. There will be a charge of approximately $20 per family to attend.