Orange Day is Saturday, Sept 25

Orange Day is the day each month that Presbyterian Women wear orange or an orange ribbon to remember female victims of exploitation and those trying to end it.

At 15 years of age, Theresa Flores was drugged, raped and tortured for two long years – kept in bondage, forced to pay back an impossible debt as a sex slave – all while living at home attempting to keep her family safe in an upper-middle class Detroit suburb. She attended school during the day along side her traffickers, only to be called into “service” late each night while her unknowing family slept. Involuntarily involved in a criminal ring, she endured more as a child than most adults do in their lives. Today Theresa share her story and raises awareness of trafficking. She tells her story in “The Slave Across the Street.”

Support Theresa and others to end this exploitation by wearing orange on the 25th of the month.