September 2023 Session Highlights

  • Approved a building use request from Derry member Bob Foster to host a seminar with guest instructors on the martial art of Japanese swordmanship on Friday, November 10 and Saturday, November 11 from 9:30 am – 4 pm both days in Fellowship Hall.
  • Transferred the membership of Doug & Denise Ebner to First Presbyterian Church in Grove City, Ohio.
  • The Treasurer reported that August income not only was below budget but also was the lowest income month in over 10 years. We are currently $65,000 under our budgeted income for the year to date. Expenses also less than the amount budgeted offsetting some of the negative effect of the lower income.
  • The Personnel Committee requested approval of an updated Employee File Retention Guideline policy to ensure compliance with federal laws. After review, the Session approved the new policy.
  • The Personal Committee also submitted a position Description for an Associate Pastor for Christian Education/Director of Christian Education that was developed in conjunction with the Christian Education Committee. Considering M.E. Steelman’s recent announcement to step away from her position, the Committees are developing a plan to hire support for Christian education and ongoing faith formation at Derry. The current plan would be to employ an interim individual to give the committees time to establish a long-term Christian education vision for Derry. The eventual plan may be to hire an Associate Pastor as outlined in the submitted job description. After discussion, the job description and a process for interviewing individuals for the interim position were approved.
  • The Communication & Technology Committee submitted a CPR for additional chancel mics and related electrical work. The cost of the project is approximately $15,000 and will be funded through the generous support of a Derry member. Elders will review the CPR with their committees to address any questions or concerns.
  • Communication & Technology also submitted for review a project to install new interior signs. These signs will be designed & installed by Stoner Graphix, the same company who prepared our exterior signs. The project was approved at a cost of $9,996.60.
  • The Stewardship & Finance Committee submitted preliminary expense budget numbers for 2024 based on the committees’ requests totaling $1,442,335. The 2024 Stewardship campaign will kick off on Sunday, October 1 with this year’s theme being “God Gives.”
  • Pastor Stephen has proposed to the Personnel Committee that his terms of call remain the same for 2024. Rather than receive an increase, he suggested using the Brong Scholarship to fund an opportunity he has to visit India in 2024. He would use his experience in traveling to lead a class on exploring world religions through the lens of Christianity. After discussion, the session approved using the Brong Scholarship to cover up to $10,000 of Pastor Stephen’s travel expenses.
  • Stewardship & Finance requested approved to change signatories on Derry’s Vanguard accounts. New signatories will be Greg Taylor, Duncan Campbell and George Porter. The request was approved.