Wear Orange on Saturday, May 25

Join Derry’s Presbyterian Women and wear orange or an orange ribbon on May 25 to show awareness of exploitation of females and show support for those working to end it.

The UN verified 3,688 cases of rape and other sexual violence committed in war in 2023, a 50% increase over the previous year. The report covers incidents, patterns, and trends across situations of concern, including Israel, Gaza, Sudan, Haiti, Ukraine, Myanmar, and Democratic Republic of Congo. About 95% of the cases involve women and girls. The global scale is actually higher due to underreported, historically hidden crimes. For every survivor who comes forward, many others are silenced by social pressure, stigma, paucity of services, and limited prospects for justice. Suggestions for decreasing incidents include greater women participation, weapon regulations and embargoes, and change on the ground. Pray for the victims on Saturday as you wear orange.