What’s Next for the Derry Day Trippers?

The Derry Day Trippers had a successful kick-off picnic at Memorial Lake Park last week and have planned these upcoming day trips:

  • Thursday, Oct 21: Lititz and Bird-in Hand. Carpool from church and have lunch at 11:30 at the Tomato Pie Café (and maybe even make a quick stop at the Wilbur Chocolate Factory). Then go to the Farmer’s Market in Bird-in Hand and  the Amish Experience for the 3:00–4:30 tour of an Amish home and school, followed by the five-screen movie experience “Jacob’s Choice” about the choice the young people must make during Rumspringa to remain in the Amish community or to leave. Cost is $19.95 for the Amish Experience (in addition to the cost of your own lunch). Once you sign up, you are obligated as your tickets will be purchased. Sign up by Oct 2
  • Wednesday, Nov 10: Visit the Van Gogh Immersion Experience in Philadelphia. The experience lasts an hour to an hour and a half, then have lunch as a group. Carpool departs by 8:30 am for the scheduled 11 am entry to the exhibition. Cost is $34.50 plus $5.00 ticketing charge. Once you sign up, you are obligated as your tickets will be purchased. Sign up TODAY (Sept 30) — these tickets are going fast!
  • In December we are planning a trip to Longwood Gardens. Stay tuned for more information.

Checks should be sent or taken to the church clearly marked on the memo line for the event for which you are paying.