Oct 2020 Session Highlights

  • Received 10 new members into Derry membership.
  • Approved baptisms for Gilbert Whitaker, son of Derry member Courtney McKinney-Whitaker and Pastor Stephen & Jacquelyn Lytle, daughter of Derry members David and Allison Lytle.
  • Reviewed the Treasurer’s report: both the income and expenses are below budgeted projections. Invested funds appear to have recovered from earlier losses and are at a breakeven point.
  • Approved Derry Discovery Days’ request to hire Kyla Miller as an Aide for the Busy Bee classroom. 
  • The Elders discussed the request from the Communications Committee to approve the purchase and use of projectors in the Sanctuary which would allow individuals in the Sanctuary to see what is happening on the live stream. The projectors make it possible for everyone in the Sanctuary and at home to have the same worship experience. It is important to note that there are no screens associated with the projectors; information will be projected onto the walls at the front of the Sanctuary. Currently, a projector is used to perform this function on the Sanctuary back wall so that the Pastors can see the video that is live streaming. Additional uses for the projectors beyond the current live stream and pandemic application were also noted. The cost for the purchase and installation is $23,379.57. A portion of this cost ($10,000) will be funded through a generous gift and the balance will be taken from Derry’s Futures Fund. This request was reviewed by all church committees at their September meetings, and all supported the request. After discussion, the Session approved the request to purchase/install the projectors and the funding.
  • Approved a request from Stewardship & Finance to amend the voucher approval procedure by which church invoices are approved by committee chairs and submitted to the church office for payment. Due to limited access to the church, the approvals for regular and routine invoices (Example: copier invoice) do not always occur as needed. The change to the policy would permit a Committee Chair to annually pre-approve certain regular reoccurring monthly, quarterly, etc. payments in advance for as long as the amounts stay within the pre-approved dollar range. The revised policy was approved.
  • The Mission & Peace Committee requested approval to use $30,000 from the Futures Fund for three consecutive years beginning in 2020 to help fund a new wing at the Boys’ School in Sargodha. In addition to this $90,000, the Committee is committing $10,000 a year from its budget for three years bringing Derry’s contribution to the school to $120,000. A lengthy discussion occurred which included background of the Presbyterian Education Board and the Sargodha school, the critical need for the education of boys in 6th through 10th grade, the need for more classroom space to accommodate the increasing number of applicants, and the financing and construction of the project. In addition, several Elders who were part of Derry’s traveling group that visited the school last year spoke of their support of the project. Members of the traveling group are currently making three-year pledges to the project which to date total $150,000. After discussion, the request was approved.