Session Approves NEW Covid Guidelines
March 2, 2022
On Tuesday, March 1 the Session approved the following guidelines based on recommendations from our COVID task force. Please know that you may continue to wear a mask whenever you’re at church.
- Face masks optional at worship services on Sundays at 8 am and Tuesdays at 6:15 pm
- Use of face masks continues on Sundays at 10:30 am worship services
- Masks are optional at post-worship activities including fellowship and 11 Minutes Lessons
- Each group, committee, gathering or adult Sunday school class may determine their own mask policy
- Face masks are not required in the building during the week or in the office, unless requested by the person or group with whom you are meeting
- Anyone working directly with children under 5 must wear a mask.
- Use of face masks continues for all youth and children’s activities
BEGINNING APRIL 1 (barring another significant spike in covid infections):
- Face masks optional at all church-wide worship services, events, and functions (this includes the choir)
- The west transept of the Sanctuary (closest to the lounge) is designated seating for those who prefer to continue wearing face masks
- Committees and groups can set their own mask rules
- Anyone working directly with children under 5 must wear a mask
- Youth and children’s ministry leadership teams are empowered to make masking rules based on the activity, participants, and other situations
We are aware that no decision made by the Session will have universal support. We hope this provides options while also addressing the varied concerns and desires of Derry members. The Session will meet again on March 16 to re-evaluate the guidelines and timetable. READ MORE about the rationale behind these decisions.